Saturday, November 22, 2014

Naga's penis (python) by Phra Ajarn O


This Naga's penis locket by Phra Ajarn O is more special than other versions. Ajarn O assorted various Naga magic to consecrate this batch of lockets to make it more powerful: Snake-shaped loop, Name of Naga, etc. In addition, inside there are other holy items such as wealth takrut, windfall takrut, love takrut for each respective purpose. Other mystical herbs and plants are also presented here. Lastly, there is the holy oil which hold it all together.
It is believed that the owner of this Naga's penis will have great luck in money wealth, luck in love, or relationship with others.  and safety. You can wish for anything!
Especially good for people in sales, business owners, gamblers, etc. Can be worn by both women and men. Limited number of pieces.

Price Hkd$ 3250 (shipping included)
(1 left)

Payment Method:  Paypal or Western Union


or Wechat ID: superblackmarket

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