Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Takrut Sanae Jai Kard VIII (mini)by Phra Ajarn O

This powerful takrut inscribed with magical yant outside. Can write the name of the person you like on a piece of paper and then put it in the takrut to make that person think of you. Likewise, you can also write any wish (money, love, etc) to insert into the takrut. For best result,  wear the takrut keeping it onto the skin.

Comes in 2 material: brass and copper.

Price:  $300 hkd each (shipping included)

Payment method: PayPal, Western Union


WeChat ID:  superblackmarket

Mermaid princess fishhook locket by Phra Ajarn O

This locket is designed to help the owner to catch his/ her target, whether it's a person or a thing. Simply just keep it with you and focus on a target.  Inside the locket has many things, green metta oil, gold flakes, attractive takrut, lucky money takrut, shredded money, magical yants, and rare herbs and wood. Above all there is a old mystical fishhook for the catch. Mermaid princess, Matsaya, is the daughter of Ravana and the wife of Hanuman.  

Price: $2000 hkd (shipping included)

Payment method: PayPal or Western   


WeChat ID: superblackmarket       

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Red Lucky Dao (star) by Phra Ajarn O, Wat Sisupon

This batch of Dao Star is created by Phra Ajarn  O following method taught by late Laung Phor Pinak. LP Pinak is one of Thailand famous guru monks who is well known for his star amulets among other things.
Ingredients include old holy mass left by LP Pinak, and together with many different mystical ingredients(charm powder).  and magic takrut.  The wearer will be blessed with love charm, success in love, gain fame popularity like stars , help boasting luck, granting wishes if you make wishes, protection from bad energy and evil things, protection from danger.
This Red Star can be worn above or below waist.

Price Hkd$ 550 (shipping included)

Payment method:  Paypal or Western Union


or Wechat ID :  superblackmarket

Naga's penis (python) by Phra Ajarn O


This Naga's penis locket by Phra Ajarn O is more special than other versions. Ajarn O assorted various Naga magic to consecrate this batch of lockets to make it more powerful: Snake-shaped loop, Name of Naga, etc. In addition, inside there are other holy items such as wealth takrut, windfall takrut, love takrut for each respective purpose. Other mystical herbs and plants are also presented here. Lastly, there is the holy oil which hold it all together.
It is believed that the owner of this Naga's penis will have great luck in money wealth, luck in love, or relationship with others.  and safety. You can wish for anything!
Especially good for people in sales, business owners, gamblers, etc. Can be worn by both women and men. Limited number of pieces.

Price Hkd$ 3250 (shipping included)
(1 left)

Payment Method:  Paypal or Western Union


or Wechat ID: superblackmarket

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sang Maha Parb (biagae) by Phra Ajarn O


Sang Klap Maha Parb(biagae) by Phra Aj. O

Another highly collectible piece by Ajarn O. Took over ten years to make. This type of conch is itself auspicious and difficult to find. Took over 10 years to collect these special mercury from specific location to fill the shell. Limited pieces are made. Other rare Ingridients include soil from 7 lakes, soil from 7 holy places, powder from gallbladder of tiger, bear, peacock, eagle, crocodile, nail of turtle, horse, rhino. And many more rare herbs and plants. 
Ajarn O consecrated these on auspicious day and blessed until the biagae were glowing and moving.
These biagae will protect wearer from spiritual attacks, black magic, ghost, or any evil entity.
Can also put into water to bless the water holy for clensing body or space.

Already encased in nice waterproof acrylic case. Ready to wear or hang anywhere. 

Hkd$ 2000 ( shipping included)
***1 left

Payment method: PayPal 
                              Western union

Please contact:

Or Wechat ID : superblackmarket 

Pu Paramesuan coin by Phra Ajarn O

Pu Paramesuan coin(copper) by Phra Ajarn O 

This is a very special amulet because Paramesuan is not commonly made into amulets. Pha Ajarn O is one of the three masters who has inherited the knowledge and method  to consecrate  this. 
In fact from what I was told, Paramesuan is the highest of all the gods, even higher than Phra Phrom. So, very powerful and auspicious to pray to and also to ask for wishes. 
The faithful wearer will be protected from all bad things and dangers.  And will be blessed with material things and support for life.

Brand new and already beautifully encased in waterproof case. Ready to wear or  to collect.   Hkd$600  for each.(worldwide shipping and handling included) 
***low in stock****

Interested can contact:
Wechat ID : superblackmarket

Method of payment: PayPal or
                                 Western Union